Sell Your Business With BizRetire
Here at BizRetire we believe that the market hasn't provided owners with great solutions to selling their businesses.
Current solutions require too much time, too much money, or not enough control over the process. We believe that owners can skip paying Brokers for the listing and screening (that accounts for 50% of their time/cost) by using BizRetire! With the savings owners can hire expert advice as needed, versus paying brokers for what they don't need.
We've built our platform with the owner specifically in mind - we've taken the best from what's out there and eliminated the downsides to create what we think is the best platform on market.
Check out some of our benefits below!
Huge Savings
Instead of paying a business broker $30,000+, do it yourself. Hire the experts you need instead of paying for what you don't.
We're securely hosted through a third-party with encryption, security architecture, monitoring, detection and response 24/7/365.
Our non-public listings keeps your intent to sell private. Never worry about suppliers, customers, employees, or exes finding out.
Commited Buyers
Buyers have to pay and agree to a non-disclosure before viewing your listing. Having skin in the game means less time wasted.
Sell your business to someone that cares about your employees and community. Direct contact with the buyer lets you decide.
It's Time to Begin BizRetirement
Get the Best with BizRetire
BizRetire is a business-for-sale listing platform that aims to connect aspiring and retiring entrepreneurs. Our aim is to be the #1 platform preferred by business owners.
We're a family owned and operated business that combines the benefits of what business brokers and online marketplaces have to offer, while eliminating the downsides of each.

Seller FREE Trial
Reach: Internet Wide
No Brokers
Privacy: Non-Public
Buy with BizRetire
If you've spent any time looking to buy a business you are well aware of how difficult it is.
At minimum, it takes 2 times longer to get information to or from a business owner when dealing with a middleman, like a business broker. Brokers might also choose to stonewall your offer to preserve hopes of a higher commission.
Using public business for sale platforms aren't much better; most of the good deals are gone before you even find them. Competing against large funds on these platforms is almost impossible.
BizRetire solves this by requiring buyers to pay to view listings. This keeps the volume of buyers low and the listing quality premium. Think... off-market deals on an on-market like platform.
Worth. Every. Penny.
Free Accounts
Unpaid buyers can see how many listings there are, and basic details. Only pay to see whole listings when it makes sense.
No Middleman
Deal directly with Business Owners outside of the platform.
Less Competition
Our sellers have less buyer inquiry fatigue. Less members means you get recognized quicker and easier.
Off-Market Reach
We aim to advertise to owners who are not listed anywhere else.